ok me and my friend Randy where jumping on my trampoline then my sister and her friends get on im friend sarts fighting them he neck slams my sister and then Amanda and Avory (Macee's friends my sister) starts runing for cover as soon as she started runing i drop kick her in the chest she was down and out and then randy nail my sister with a kick avory was in a head lock for 3 mins by me then Avory quits Macee my sister likes acting lick a cat (who in the hell did she get that from) claws Randy and she heads butts him in leg then i grap her and throw her and she hits Amanda making her fall then my sisters friends baby sister Allason shes 5 comes in there and kicks randy in the cock and then kicks me ther to than she sarts jumping on are backs as we were in pain form that dick blow and she started saying werid things like imma mah ook ook poo and tok jo winning and gooooooooo yo lose shes stupid well thats my story bye oh and please no harsh comments